References and Futher Reading
[Abbott-1884]: Edwin
A. Abbott. Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions. 1884. Reprint. New York:
Barnes & Noble, 1983.
Flatland was written in 1884 by a Victorian schoolmaster named Edwin
Abbott Abbott. It is a science-fiction story about an imaginary two-dimensional
world. The book works on three levels. Most obviously, it is a satire on
Victorian society. "Irregulars" (cripples) are put to death, women have
no rights at all, and when the main character, A Square, tries to teach
his fellows about the third dimension, he is imprisoned. On the second
level, Flatland is scientific. Flatland's relationship to the 3rd-diminision
is analogous to our relationship to the 4th-diminision. Finally, at the
deepest level, A Square's trip into higher dimensions is a metaphor for
the mystic's experience of higher reality. It is a short book, and a fun
[CADE-93]: Joel Castellanos, Joe Dan
Austin, Ervan Darnell, and Maria Estrada. "An Empirical Exploration of
the Poincaré Model for Hyperbolic Geometry", Mathematics and Computer
Education, pp. 51-68, (Winter 1993), Volume 27, number 1.
[Health-56]: Sir T. Health. The
Elements (Euclid), Dover, New York, NY (1956).
[Kedder-85]: R. M. Kedder. "How
High-schooler Discovered New Math Theorem", The Christian Science Monitor,
pp. 19-20, (April, 1985).
[Moise-74]: E.E. Moise. Elementary
Geometry from an Advanced Standpoint, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA (1974).
This book gives a clear, yet complete, axiomatic development of the
Poincaré Model, and other geometric systems. It is easily readable
by an undergraduate mathematics student.
[NCTM-89]: The National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics, Curriculum and Evaluation Standards, pp. 157,
[Rucker-84]: Rudy Rucker. The Fourth
Dimension: Toward a Geometry of Higher Reality. Boston: Houghton Mifflin
Company, 1984.
Rudy Rucker does an excellent job of helping the reader actually visualize
the 4th-dimension. It is filled with great, cartoon drawings and thought
provoking puzzles. Part III of the book is titled "How To Get There".
[Tello-92]: H. G. Tello, and Y. O.
Yang. Formative Evaluation of NonEuclid, Unpublished manuscript, The Ohio
State University, Educational Theory and Practice Department (1992).
[Polking-98]: John Polking. The
Geometry of the Sphere, Web site of the Department of Mathmatics of Rice
University, http://math.rice.edu/~pcmi/sphere/.
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