This page contains links to download mathematical (mainly geometrical) software.
As far as possible, it consists of free software, but I'm so impressed with Cabri I've linked to a crippled demo.
All software is stored as .zip archives.
A selection of commercial mathematical software suppliers is listed here.
These programs all have the feature that, once a figure is drawn, points may be "dragged" and all objects related to the point are automatically redrawn in their new positions.
CAR32 Compass and ruler constructions in the Euclidean plane. This rather basic program does all compass and ruler constructions in the plane. Images can be printed or exported as .bmp files.
You will have to unzip the downloaded file, then run the resulting CaRi.exe.
There is also a Java version. This can be obtained from the
CaR Home Page
NonEuclid Compass and ruler constructions in the Hyperbolic plane. This is similar to CAR32, but works in the Poincare model of the Hyperbolic plane. Images can be printed or exported via the clipboard (using PrtScr).
A Java version can be obtained from the NonEuclid Home Page
or run from here
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Sample applets form Manipulia Math with Java
These are some Java applets designed to demonstrate various mathematical topics.
The geometry is very good, especially the Pathagoras proof. You will have to unzip the file and then run the .exe file which results. If you like, you can try them now |
Cabri II DEMO The Cabri package is very comprehensive - as well as compass and ruler constructions, it includes conics and inversion. The demo runs for only 15 minutes each session. Saving and printing are disabled (you can print with PrtScr, but don't say I said so)
There is also a Java version under development - see the CabriJava Home Page
Tim Lister of the Open University has produced some nice macros for non-Euclidean Geometry in Cabri. These are available on Tim's Cabri Page
My own Cabri material (some figures and notes, mainly on conics) is available on Cabri Pages
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Updated 11th February 1999 by Wilson Stothers